Non-Exclusive Licensing Agreement

What is a Non-Exclusive License?
A Non-Exclusive License is an agreement that grants you the right to purchase and use music produced at for commercial and profitable use. However, retains the authoring and composition rights to the music. When you purchase a Non-Exclusive License you are purchasing the right to use the music for profitable, commercial use on any format (e.g. CD’s, Albums, DVD’s, iTunes). You may edit or alter the music as you see fit, but you may not under any circumstances resell the music as royalty-free stock music, redistribute or re-package it.

Furthermore, a Non-Exclusive License agreement gives the right to license the same song to other Artists and Producers as well. You pay a much lower fee for this type of licensing agreement in exchange for less exclusivity. In the event that another customer buys the exclusive rights to the same song you have leased, your rights shall stand and the music is still yours to use.

What is included with a Non-Exclusive License?
After your transaction has been finalized a link(s) to your purchased download(s) will appear on your receipt page. The download, which comes as a zipped file, includes your audio mp3 audio file, as well as a PDF copy of your Non-Exclusive Licensing Agreement from for your records.